East Rochester Elementary School | Owned and Operated by SunRaise Investments LLC
Why should I refer my customers to Knollwood Energy?
You have done a great job on your installation, now how do you make sure that your customer’s post-installation experience is of equal quality? At Knollwood Energy, we have the same goals as you do. Happy customers lead to referrals for both of our businesses. We are experts in every phase of the SREC process. Be assured that your customers will be handled with professionalism. We work tirelessly to promptly certify their facilities and get their credits paid for as soon as they are created. Finally, our customers consistently receive high prices for their SRECs. The fact that we are one of the largest and most experienced aggregators in the country provides all your customers the scale necessary to maximize the prices they receive for their credits.
How easy is the process?
Knollwood Energy will make the process simple for both you and your customers. Simply provide us with a spec sheet of your customers’ installations and we will do the rest. No additional paperwork is required. We will educate your customers and answer all of their questions. This will enable you to focus on the installation process, which is your area of expertise. We will handle the SRECs, which is our area of expertise.
Do I need to sign a commitment?
Absolutely not. At Knollwood Energy we believe that you should only refer your customers to us as long as we are providing them with excellent service. You are assured that we will constantly be working to win your business. Your customers can also be assured that you recommend us because you think it is in their interest and not because you need to.
What services do you offer our customers?
We provide your customers with many different contract options. We don’t believe in the one-size-fits-all model. We work with your customers to design a monetization program that meets their individual needs. We perform all the certification work and ensure that customers are paid for their credits as they are created. That means that if credits are created monthly, they get paid monthly. We’re sure you will agree that the sooner and more often they get paid, the happier they will be.
Knollwood Energy Installers
Company Name | Contact Info | Operating States |
621 Energy, LLC | http://www.621energy.com/ Bob Clarke clarker@621energy.com 978-263-5215 | MA |
800dcsolar - Alternate Energy | www.800dcsolar.com Steve Pitney 800dcsolar@gmail.com 800-327-6527 | MA |
Absolute Green Energy Corp. | www.absolutegreenenergy.com Scott Wade swade@absolutegreenenergy.com Phone: 508-494-9959 | MA |
Advanced Energy Systems Development | www.advancedenergysystemsusa.com Charles Nadel advance1@advancedenergysytemsusa.com 617-775-1720 | MA |
Breiter Planet Construction | www.breiterplanet.com Andrew Breiter-Wu Andrew@breiterplanet.com (617) 334-5785 | RI, CT, MA, NH, VT, ME, and parts of NY. |
Brightstar Solar | www.brightstarsolar.net Mona Reese mreese@brightstarsolar.net 617-564-0050 | MA |
Cotuit Solar LLC | www.cotuitsolar.com Herb Rice herb@cotuitsolar.com Office 508-428-8442 ext. 2 Fax 508-428-8441 | MA |
Greenfield Technologies LLC | https://greenftechn.com/ Michael J Purnell greenfieldtechnologies@gmail.com mpurnell@greenftechn.com 814-212-3836 814-685-3836 | PA |
Harmony Energy Works, Inc. | http://www.harmonyenergyworks.com George Horrocks george.horrocks@harmonyenergyworks.com Office: 603-926-3366 Cell: 603-512-3377 | NH, MA, ME & VT |
New Day Energy | http://www.new-day-energy.com Mark Robinson mailto:mrobinson@new-day-energy.com office: 781-679-0715 fax: 781-679-2100 | MA, CT, RI, NH |
New England Clean Energy | www.NewEnglandCleanEnergy.com Mark Durrenberger mark@newenglandcleanenergy.com office: 978-567-9463 fax: 866-903-1651 | MA, NH, RI |
NH Commercial Solar Energy Systems | www.nhcom.solar Paul Schlie paul@nhcom.solar 603-534-8556 | NH |
Power Stream Solar & Electric | https://www.powerstreamelectric.com/ Daniel Stoltzfus daniel@powerstreamelectric.com 717-768-8500 | PA |
Raycycle | Raycycle.us Zachery Andrews zach@raycycle.us 304-288-3647 | PA |
Ross Solar Group | http://www.rosssolargroup.com Joshua Ross josh@rosssolargroup.com MA office 508- 470- 1196 CT office 203-512-4500 Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/rosssolar | MA, CT |
SmartRoof Capital | www.smartroofcapital.com Kevin O'Grady kevin@smartroofcapital.com 978-886-8675 | MA, NH, ME, VT |
Solar Power New England | www.solarpowernewengland.com Andrew Robitaille, CEO contact@solarpowerne.com 207-387-0037 | ME and New England |
SolarSolar.us | https://www.solarsolar.us/ Newell Thomas nthomas@solarsolar.us newell100@aol.com 401-258-6357 | Installation and repairs in MA, NH, RI |
Solar Store of Greenfield | http://www.solarstoreofgreenfield.com Claire Chang info@solarstoreofgreenfield.com office 413-772-3122 | MA |
SunWind, LLC | http://www.sunwindllc.com Timothy Holmes info@sunwindllc.com office: 888-997-8694 cell: 508-246-6350 fax: 508-240-3476 | MA, RI, CT |
True Enterprises LLC | http://trueenterprisesllc.com/ Zachary Pollard zachary@trueenterprisesllc.com info@trueenterprisesllc.com 196 Chases Pond Rd. York, ME 03909 207-606-0250 | ME, NH |
United Better Homes | https://www.unitedbetterhomes.com/ William Watson operations@unitedbetterhomes.com 535 Pine St, Central Falls, RI 02863 401-274-0111 | CT, MA, RI |
Valley Solar | https://valleysolar.solar/ Kate Glowatsky info@valleysolar.solar 413-584-8844 | MA |