Why work with Knollwood Energy?

Gravity Ice Cream, Honesdale PA (PA SREC)
In a sea of SREC confusion, Knollwood Energy shines light on the process of monetizing your credits. We are experts in both the certification process and the selling process. Knollwood Energy will perform all the work necessary to turn your solar credits into cash. We are one of the largest institutional sellers of SREC’s in the country. This size gives us the opportunity to sell credits at prices higher than you could get selling them on your own.
The Knollwood Advantage
Knollwood Energy is one of the largest SREC aggregators in the country. We have been in business since 2006, which gives us more experience in the SREC market than the majority of our competitors. We bundle our customers into large institutional sellers which helps to maximize our sales prices. Our customers currently receive some of the highest prices possible for their credits. We make the entire process simple and efficient. A simple process combined with high prices–the perfect pair.
What do I need to do to work with Knollwood Energy?
Email or call us and we will go over everything necessary to move forward and begin the process of maximizing the revenue from your solar system.
Getting paid for My SRECs

Andy C., Millerstown PA (PA SREC)
The first step in getting paid for your SRECs is to apply for and receive state certification to qualify for credits (except for NJ SRECs). This certification is different from the original application your installer might have made to start the installation. If you become a Knollwood Energy customer, we manage the certification process for you. We work with your installer to obtain all of the necessary technical information to file for the certification and track its progress with the appropriate state agency. Once your system is certified, an account is created for you in the state tracking system, where you can view your account and track your system’s production.
The next step is to report your system’s meter readings at the end of each month. Depending on the state where your facility is located, you can either report your meter reading through our customer portal or your state’s tracking system. Many of our Massachusetts customers opt to use a meter reading company to handle the monthly reporting for them.
How often do I get paid?
Credits will be generated for your account based on your monthly meter readings. We pay our customers on a monthly or quarterly schedule, which is determined by your state. An exception to this payment schedule occurs when prices are abnormally low and there is an expectation that prices might recover in the near future.