Changes to MassCEC SREC Production Reporting to NEPOOL GIS (Effective Q4 2017)
Effective with the Q4, 2017 minting, MassCEC made a change to the way they report SREC production to the NEPOOL GIS. MassCEC will no longer roll over month-to-month fractional MWh production. Total monthly production in MWh, rounded to the nearest whole kilowatt-hour (i.e., 1,879.36 kWh reported to PTS = 1.879 MWh reported to NEPOOL) will be reported to the NEPOOL GIS. The NEPOOL GIS will continue to apply the SREC II Factor to the generation. This new process will allow earlier SREC generation as MassCEC is eliminating one of two monthly carry-forwards. NEPOOL GIS will continue to carry-forward partial eligible SREC due to the SREC Factor. The examples below illustrate both the previous process and the new process.