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SREC II Modified Factor Calculation
1. The MassCEC Production Tracking System (PTS) tracks monthly total kWh of production data reported by the system authorized representative/reporter.
2. Once a MWh (1,000 kWh) has been generated, MassCEC reports the whole MWh to NEPOOL GIS. Any remaining kWhs are carried forward to the first month of the next quarter.
3. NEPOOL GIS applies the SREC II factor to the MWh reported, creates 1 SREC II for each eligible MWh reported, and carries forward any remaining fractional SREC II to the next generation month.
This process may require a system to report a total of two MWhs of production before the first SREC is created.
To read further about the SREC factor calculation process, click here:
SREC Factor for the SREC II program. is published by DOER and MassCEC to further explain the process.
Alane Lakritz
Knollwood Energy of MA LLC
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