Final Net Metering Order Released by PUC & SB129 Becomes Law
From the NH Sustainable Energy Association:
“The NH PUC released their Final Order in DE15-576 on 6/23/17. It is a mix of the two filed settlement proposals, and is generally a reasonable result. Overall, it will maintain a strong industry, is good for consumers, and makes positive conclusions about the lack of cost-shifting and the benefits of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs).
Read NHSEA’s overview of the new net metering policy here. You can also view a recording of our recent webinar “NH’s New Net Metering Tariff” as part of the Local Energy Solutions webinar series here. NHSEA was heavily involved in this proceeding, and thanks our members and supporters for their help through the long process!
In addition, SB129 has officially become law! This law increases the Class II requirements under the RPS, increases the REC price for biomass, removes the 10kW limit on the residential solar rebate program, and dedicates 15% of the Renewable Energy Fund to projects that benefit low to moderate income ratepayers. NHSEA worked incredibly hard these past 6+ months as a leader on SB129, along with our clean energy supporters and allies across NH.”